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January 2003 – First organizational meeting

March 7, 2003 – Interim Mayor and Town Council appointed

March 25, 2003 – Senator Stan Bingham submits Town Charter to State of North Carolina

April 4, 2003 – Public Meeting to discuss proposed Town of Wallburg

May 2, 2003 – Public Meeting to discuss proposed Town of Wallburg

May 5, 2003 – June 7, 2003 – Community petition drive – over 51% of registered voters sign petition to incorporate and support proposed charter

June 14, 2003 & June 18, 2003 – Public notice of petition to incorporate the Town of Wallburg posted in local media outlets

November 20, 2003 – Resolution of approval to incorporate received from the City of Winston-Salem

March 18, 2004 – Resolution of approval to incorporate received from the City of High Point

March 23, 2004 – Resolution of approval to incorporate received from the Davidson County Commissioners

April 26, 2004 – Resolution of approval to incorporate received from the Town of Kernersville

May 14, 2004 – Public Meeting to discuss proposed Town of Wallburg

May 2004 – Service agreements in place with Davidson County Sheriff’s Department, NC Department of Transportation, Davidson Water and Davidson County Planning and Zoning

May 28, 2004 – First proposed budget for the Town of Wallburg submitted to the State of North Carolina. Proposed tax rate is 5 cents per $100 of property value (lowest rate allowed by state law).

June 29, 2004 – Senator Stan Bingham is instrumental in getting Senate Bill 1127 approved to Incorporate the Town of Wallburg. The interim Town Council consisted of Jack Craven, Mayor and Ronnie Bailey, Zane Hedgecock, Sue Martin, Daphne Rogers, and Mark Swaim Council Members and are to serve until a regular municipal election can be held in November 2005.

June 29, 2004 – First Town Council Meeting held at the Wallburg Fire Station

July 2004 – Town hies Aaron Clinard as the Town Attorney

September 2005 – Community Forum held to discuss planning and zoning concerns facing the Town with 50+ attendees. Town website (townofwallburg.com) was established.

October 2005 – The Town hosts a public forum to discuss the routes proposed for a new NC Highway 109 by the NC Department of Transportation.

November 2005 – First Town election – Allen Todd is elected Mayor and Zane Hedgecock, Steve Yokeley, Lynn Reece, Chris Yokeley and Jerry Weavil are elected to the Town Council. Sheriff David Grice updated the Town Council on the service being provided to the Town.

December 2005 – Town received first financial audit by Harold Gibson, CPA. Senator Stan Bingham swears in newly elected Mayor and Town Council members. Zane Hedgecock is appointed Mayor Pro Tempore.

January 2006 – Town meetings are changed to the 2nd Tuesday of each month. The Town joins the Winston-Salem Urban Area Metropolitan Planning Organization.

February 2006 – Planning and Zoning Overview Committe is established. Members appointed by the Town Council were Brent Martin, Wayne Wall, Dean Coe, Jerri Russell, Jack Craven and Van Reece.

March 2006 – (6) signs purchased to mark the Town Boundaries on the major roads. Discussion on purchasing land for a future town hall. Name of the Planning and Zoning Advisory Committee is changed to the Wallburg Planning Board in order to comply with NC Statutes.

May 2006 – Eddie Carrick, CPA hired as Town Auditor.

June 2006 – NC DOT provides update to Town Council on status of NC 109. Town includes $10,000 in 2006-2007 budget as a Local Education Subsidy for Wallburg Elementary School.

July 2006 – Rezoning request approved for 18 acres within the Town limits owned by Meadowlands Development, LLC from RS (Low Intensity Residential) to PD-H (Planned Development-Housing). Town Council appoints Board of Adjustment. Members appointed are Sherri Bogue, Wayne Wall, Jack Craven, Gary Craver, Dale Moser, Andy Brinkley (Alternate) and Elizabeth Boger (Alternate). Letter sent to NC DOT requesting that the speed limit on NC 109 be reduced from 55 mph to 45 mph in Town limits.

August 2006 – Discussion on purchase of land to build a Town Hall.

September 2006 – Special use permit approved for a wireless tower on the Wallburg School property for use by the school. TYCO given the bi-annual business of the year award.

October 2006 – Town presents $10,000 Local Education Subsidy check to Dr. Hedrick, Principal at Wallburg Elementary School. Town Seal is chosen from a number of entries by the town citizens.  The winning entry was submitted by Mayor Allen Todd and was inspired by the Liberty-Piedmont Institute.

November 2006 – Town Council approves 2005-2006 Financial Audit report submitted by Eddie Carrick, CPA.

December 2006 – Rezoning request approved for 0.92 acres owned by Terry Reid from RC (Rural Commercial) to RA-3 (Rural Agricultural). Presentation from the NC Department of Agriculture on Farmland preservation.

January 2007 – Tyco Electronics presented plaque for first biannual business of the year

February 2007 – Outdoor Lighting ordinance approved.

March 2007 – Sign ordinance approved. Sheriff David Grice updated the Town Council on the service being provided to the Town.

May 2007 – Town Council votes to increase Local Education Subsidy to $15,000 and to donate $5,000 to the Davidson County Economic Development Commission in the 2007-2008 budget

July 2007 – Coe Forestry and Surveying presented plaque for biannual business of the year. Intergovernmental agreement with Davidson County to provide law enforcement within the town for $49,011 per year and zoning administration for $12,000 per year.

August 2007 – Town enters into contract to purchase 6.5 acres of land at the corner of NC Highway 109 and Franklin Drive

September 2007 – $15,000 Local Education Subsidy presented to Wallburg Elementary School. Town completes purchase of land at the corner of NC Highway 109 and Franklin Drive

October 2007 – Rezoning request approved for 39.31 acres within the Town limits owned by Meadowlands Development, LLC from RS (Low Intensity Residential) to PD-H (Planned Development-Housing). Financial audit for fiscal year 2006-2007 submitted by Eddie Carrick, CPA. Doug Lowe, Davidson County Emergency Services Director ask the Town for assistance in locating property in the Wallburg area to build an EMS base.

November 2007 – Gary Craver, Lynn Reece and Mark Swaim elected to Town Council. Jerri Russell, Jack Craven and Dean Coe reappointed to the Planning Board. Land Use committee appointed to oversee the land clearing / improvements needed on the property purchased in September. (Steve Yokeley, Gary Craver and Vann Reece)

December 2007 – Senator Stan Bingham swears in newly elected Town Council members Lynn Reece, Mark Swaim and Gary Craver. Zane Hedgecock is appointed Mayor Pro Tempore.

February 2008 – Town donates $250 to the Ledford Senior High School Academic Boosters Banquet.

March 2008 – Rezoning request denied for 0.75 acres on Robbins Road owned by MPT Partnership from RS (Low Intensity Residential District) to RA-3 (Rural Agricultural). Sheriff David Grice updated the Town Council on the crime statistics.

May 2008 – Rezoning request approved for 1.275 acres on Gumtree Road owned by Luther and Anna Matney from RS (Low Intensity Residential District) to CU-RC RA-3 (Conditional Use – Rural Commercial).

June 2008 – Budget approved for fiscal year 2008 – 2009

July 2008 – Jay Wagner hired as Town Attorney to replace Aaron Clinard who is retiring. Town sign ordinance amended to exclude religious institutions and educational institutions. Kelly 109 (Clinard Oil) presented with 2008 Business of the Year award.

August 2008 – Board of Adjustment dissolved, and members of the current Planning Board appointed to the Board of Adjustment. Members of the new Board of Adjustment were Jack Craven Jerri Russell, Brent Martin, Wayne Wall and Van Reece. Dean Coe reappointed to the Planning Board.

September 2008 – Town Council approves Subdivision ordinances. Town Hall Research Committee appointed, with members being Vivian Yokeley, Sherry Bogue, Gary Craver and Lynn Reece. Town Council declines offer from NC DOT for sidewalks in the Town of Wallburg,

October 2008 – Town Council approves Subdivision ordinances. Town Hall Research Committee appointed, with members being Vivian Yokeley, Sherry Bogue, Gary Craver and Lynn Reece. Town Council declines offer from NC DOT for sidewalks in the Town of Wallburg,

November 2008 – Town contracts with Hall’s Grading, Inc. to clear the property at NC 109 and Franklin Drive

December 2008 – Financial audit for fiscal year 2007-2008 submitted by Eddie Carrick, CPA. Don Jackson, CPA hired as Town Accountant.

January 2009 – Town adopts Davidson County Watershed Protection Ordinance

February 2009 – Town dissolves Board of Adjustment and transfers its functions to the Wallburg Planning Board; Reduces the number on the Planning Board to (5) members. Jack Craven resigns from Planning Board due to health issues. Dean Coe appointed head of Planning Board and Board of Adjustment.

March 2009 – $15,000 Local Education Subsidy presented to Principal Donna Stafford from Wallburg Elementary School. Town donates $2,000 to Ledford Senior High School to go towards a multi-purpose building. Town adopts Flood Management Prevention Ordinance.

April 2009 – Town approves agreement with Davidson County for purchasing and project management services for the construction of the new Town Hall. As part of the agreement Davidson County will provide:
Master plan of property
Site plan for Town Hall
Design work for Town Hall
Construction Administration
Project Close-Out and Acceptance

Dwayne Childress will be the point of contact for the County and Lynn Reece appointed as representative for the Town.

June 2009 – Town adopts Davidson County Solid Waste Plan. Budget approved for fiscal year 2009 – 2010.

July 2009 – Jerri Russell resigns from Planning Board, Chris Driggers appointed as her replacement. Town award contract to Fuller Architects for design of new Town Hall.

August 2009 – Town donates $9,376 to the Wallburg Boosters Club for athletic field improvements.

September 2009 – $16,689.78 Local Education Subsidy presented to Principal Kim Dixon from Wallburg Elementary School for purchase of Apple iPad mobile equipment. Community Design Workshop held for proposed Town Park.

October 2009 – Public meeting for community to provide input on new Town Hall

November 2009 – Update from Fuller Architects on new Town Hall. Financial audit for fiscal year 2008 – 2009 submitted by Eddie Carrick, CPA. Public meeting for community to provide input on new Town Hall

December 2009 – Senator Stan Bingham swears in newly elected Mayor Allen Todd and Town Council members Zane Hedgecock and Steve Yokeley. Update from Fuller Architects on new Town Hall, general design approved as submitted.

January 2010 – Update from Fuller Architects on new Town Hall, design finalized with cupola and bay windows. Comittee formed to develop Town newsletter – members are Allen Todd, Steve Yokeley and Zane Hedgecock.

February 2010 – Update from Fuller Architects on new Town Hall. Exterior and interior finishes selected. Zane Hedgecock re-appointed as Mayor Pro Tempore.

March 2010 – Tammy Taylor and Darren Fowler appointed alternates to the Planning Board.

April 2010 – Town presents Local Education Subsidy of $15,000 to Donna Stafford, Principal at Wallburg Elementary School. Ms. Stafford stated the money will be used to purchase lap top computers for the computer lab. Update from Fuller Architects on project bids for new Town Hall. Jarrell Contractors, Inc. from Salisbury is selected with a low bid of $1,445,605.

May 2010 – Town approves cost of $300 to assist Davidson County in the printing of a Community Assistance Resource brochure.

June 2010 – Budget approved for fiscal year 2010 – 2011. Town adopts Davidson County Mitigation Plan. Grading for new Town Hall has commenced.

July 2010 – Town separates Planning Board and Board of Adjustment into separate entities.

August 2010 – Don Jackson CPA Awarded 2010-2011 Business of the Year Award.

September 2010 – Mark Swaim appointed to represent the Town on the Davidson County Economic Development Committee. Piedmont Protective Services selected to install alarm system in new Town Hall, Wynn-Comm to install telephone and

October 2010 – WynnComm selected to install audio / visual / telephone. Dwayne Childress updates Town that Town Hall construction is halfway finished.

November 2010 – Public Hearing on Community Development Block Grants. Financial audit for fiscal year 2009 – 2010 submitted by Eddie Carrick, CPA. Jack Craven and Zane Hedgecock appointed to Historical Research Committee. Dean Coe and Chris Driggers reappointed to the Planning Board and to the Board of Adjustment.

December 2010 – Town approves furniture for new Town Hall. Town adopts Code of Ethics for elected officials. Discussion on setting up an Emergency Operations agreement with Wallburg Fire Department.

January 2011 – Presentation from North Davidson County Chamber of Commerce

February 2011 – Rezoning request approved for ±1.07 ACRES owned by James and Ruth Brooks located on the north side of Gumtree Road and approximately 0.3 miles west of NC-109 from RS (Low Intensity Residential) to O/I (Office and Institutional). Contract awarded to Piedmont Office Suppliers in the amount of $49,978.54 for furniture for the new Town Hall

March 2011 – Donna Stafford, Principal of Wallburg Elementary School Principal is presented with $15,000 Local Education Subsidy check. Money will be used to update the computer room. Discussion on the Town providing garbage and recycling services.

May 2011 – Zane Hedgecock appointed head of personnel committee

June 2011 – Budget approved for fiscal year 2011 – 2012. Certificate of Occupancy issued for Town Hall. TIMCO lease and Economic Development Incentive approved

July 2011 – Update on Town Hall progress from Dwayne Childress. RFP issued for garbage and recycling services. RFP issued for Lawn Care and Maintenance for Town Hall.

August 2011 – First Council Meeting in new Town Hall. Sheriff David Grice updated the Town Council on the crime statistics. Sherriff Grice stated that in the first 6 months of 2011 there were 3,183 calls for Zone 1 (Wallburg is in Zone 1). Rezoning request approved for 11.04 Acres on the West side of NC-109, Approximately 0.1 mile south of Gumtree Road from RC (Rural Commercial) to CS (Community Shopping).

September 23, 2011 – Town Hall Grand Opening celebration

October 2011 – Discussion of proposed re-routing of NC Highway 109 (Route # 6 by NC DOT). North Davidson Garbage Service, Inc. selected to provide solid waste and recycling services to the Town.

November 2011 – $3,350 Community Grant approved for Davidson County Hospice

December 2011 – Cindy Johnson elected to Town Council and Mark Swaim and Lynn Reece reelected. Lynn Reece reappointed as representative to the High Point MPO; Mark Swaim reappointed as Finance . Officer and Town representative on the Davidson County Economic Development Committee. Wayne Wall, Brent Martin and Vann Reece appointed to the Planning Board and Board of Adjustment.

January 2012 – Financial audit for fiscal year 2010 – 2011 submitted by Eddie Carrick, CPA. Town zoning ordinances updated to clarify sign height requirements and also updated landscaping, screening and buffer requirements. Zane Hedgecock reappointed head of personnel committee and Steve Yokeley add as a member of the committee. Lynn McKinnie resigns as Town Clerk. Town Attorney Jay Wagner will fill the role of Town Clerk until a replacement can be hired.

February 2012 – Town passes ordinance for a “Sunshine List” registration. Steve Yokeley and Lynn Reece appointed to the Town Hall Property Development Committee. Joanne Wall donates the desk of Senator Samuel Wall to the Town

June 14, 2014 – 10th Anniversary Celebration

November 2021 – Steve Yokeley and Zane Hedgecock are reelected to the Town Council, and Allen Todd reelected Mayor.

March 2023 – Rezoning request approved for 17.38 acres of land owned by B-109 LLC located on the south side of Gumtree Road approximately 800 feet northeast of the Mt. Vernon Church Road
intersection from RS (Low Intensity Residential) to CZ-RC (Rural Commercial District).

June 2023 – Budget approved for fiscal year 2023 – 2024. Discussion on the possibility of placing pickle ball courts on the property owned by the town at 8411 N. NC Hwy 109. Grant for $15,000 to the presented to the Wallburg Athletic Association. Grant to be used for field #3 lighting, utility vehicle and a tractor.

September 2023 – Agreement / Contract with the NC DOT approved for NC Highway project.

October 2023 – Estoppel Certificate approved for HAECO Cabin Solutions, LLC.

November 2023 – High Point MPO Memorandum of Understanding approved. Approved purchase and disassembly of a ~16-foot by 16-foot early 1900’ vintage antique log cabin. Cabin to be placed on the
on the town’ s property at some point in the future. Perk Test approved by Davidson County Health Department for the 8411 NC Highway 109 property.

December 2023 – Financial audit for fiscal year 2022 – 2023 submitted by Eddie Carrick, CPA. Darren Fowler resigns from thew Planning Board. Mike Motsinger appointed as Darren’s replacement on the Planning Board. Senator Steve Jarvis administers oath of office to the newly elected town council members – Cindy Johnson, Lynn Reece and Darren Fowler. Engineering stage underway at the present time on the Hwy 109 project per NC DOT.

February 2024 – Town adopts Council-Manager form of government, Mark Swaim appointed as first Town Manager

March 2024 – Jonathan Brown and Casey Smith, Davidson County Manager made a presentation about the Davidson -Davie Apprenticeship Consortium. Cindy Johnson appointed to head the Finance/Budget Committee. Darren Fowler appointed to serve on the Grants Committee.

April 2024 – Resolution passed supporting the reestablishment of the Wallburg Lion’s Club. Van Reece resigns from the Planning Board. Brandon Swaim appointed as alternate planning board member and Danny Baker appointed to replace Van Reece on the Planning Board. Approved Community Grant request for $16,600.00 from the Wallburg Athletic Association.

May 2024 – Public Hearing held to discuss change to Council/Manager form of government. Resolution approved requesting NC DOT to lower the speed limit from 45 to 35 in the Georgetown Road area. Resolution passed to purchase (2) solar powered radar speed signs at a cost of $4,333 each. 20 Year anniversary committee, members are Cindy Johnson, Zane Hedgecock and Mark Swaim. Second genealogy class was held on April 8, 2024 at the Wall House and Museum with 8 in attendance.